Curl Up


Curl up for awhile
in your own fur
until you feel the nature
of your immortal warmth.

To embody what Is

may be the deepest prayer.
Here are the rules:
I am the cause of my pain.
I am the victim of my mind.
No one owes me anything.

To make an affirmation
for abundance
expresses lack.

To pray for strength

confesses weakness.

To ask for healing is to resist
Why not just be sick?

When I own my poverty,

I expand into emptiness.
Isn't the universe born

from a boundless vacuum?

Not fearing the void,
I ripple with wealth.
I abandon striving and discover
pre-existent fullness.

Immovable strength
than the throb
of my jugular.

Welcome brokenness.

Hug your body.

In non-resistance, unity.

In unity, healing.

This very moment, refuse

to generate conflict

by changing Suchness

into Should.

Nestled in wholeness,

little things begin to happen

All that greens with nectar

and buzzes with life

emerges from

what Is...