Talking to Myself Dancing on My Tail


I spoke to my soul, "You must strive to solve the great political problems of this world: war, poverty, injustice, environmental catastrophe. This is your duty!"

My soul replied, "Each of us learns precisely the lesson we need at this moment. The world must be just as it is. If you've come to fix it, we're not interested. Why deprive others of the opportunity to learn from the fruit of their actions? Why interfere in the exercise and consequence of their free will?"

"But I see crisis everywhere I look!"

"Then the crisis is your seeing."

"But is there nothing WRONG?" I cried. "Is there no SIN?"

To which my soul replied, "The original sin is forgetting how to be happy."

I was dumbfounded by these answers from my own soul. I had one more question. "Which voice is I, yours or mine?"

At this, my soul rose dancing on its tail, transformed into a rainbow-colored dove-winged serpent with two faces gazing in opposite directions. One was the face of Jesus, the other the face of Lucifer, both glowing with inscrutable splendor. The beautiful terrifying Serpent of Wisdom flew upward, yet inward, and disappeared into the clear blue sky of my speechlessness, but not before it spoke these final words:

"Throw away the voice that wants to argue: meet the one who loves to sing."

Picture: Aboriginal art by Walangari Karntawarrax


Anonymous said...

no. this is not true. this is not just as it is. why not look at yourself.. scitilob?
with love, freeda

AKL said...

Yes, freeda, this is true and that is true. I do look at myself and publish both of my voices as honestly as I can. Which voice is me? Perhaps both. I share what I can and what I am. I do not pretend there is no conflict. Thank you for helping me become clearer about this. We all have more than one voice, and, as Emerson wrote, "Consistency is the hobgoblin of mediocre minds." Peace.