
Every proton was forged in the belly of a sun. The atoms of our bodies are quite literally filled with star stuff. That is science. The space between our atoms is luminous and awake. That is meditation.


Mystic Meandering said...

Fred, I may be out of bounds here, but it seems to me that *this* is the "Just This" that I hear so many speak of; not the finite physical form, but what animates and enlivens the form - that which never dies - the spirit of Life living us - *That* is the THIS of "Just This." ?

AKL said...

Yes, I agree. Star stuff is a term that has been used scientists like Carl Sagan going back to referenced found in 1913, when it was determined that each proton in our body, the most stable particles in our atoms, were forged in the cauldron of a star. But since then, of course, we know that even these are formed out of quarks and other subtle particles that are ultimately waves... waves of what? Waves of Consciousness. So the awakened space between the atoms is Consciousness, and so are the particles that arise in it. But in this piece, I just wanted to give a nod to the beauty of science as well as meditation. Peace.