The Space Between

The space between events is alive and sparkling with eternity. The path between goals is self-luminous and lovely, an end in itself. Awareness, not the object of awareness, is the ground we stand on, solid as diamond!

Now we enter a new galactic rotation, corresponding to a shift in consciousness. The new paradigm exchanges background and foreground. The background was Awareness, which seemed abstract, like nothing at all, while the foreground was concrete material form. But now Awareness solidifies into the foreground, the very substance of our life, while material form appears more and more insubstantial, dissolving, and transient.

Oft have spiritual traditions said, "the real is everlasting, the unreal is ever passing away." But this metaphysical proposition is rapidly becoming our concrete experience. We perceive that the ever-fluctuating quantum vibrations of the external world are made of no-thing: but the diamond-solid changeless field in which these forms arise is our own consciousness.

We used to stand on the world. Now we stand in the Self.

Asaatomah Sat Gamayah
Tamaasomah Jyotir Gamayah
Mrityormah Amritam Gamayah
Shantih Shantih Shantih

From the unreal, lead us to the real
From darkness, lead us to the light
From what is passing, to immortality
Peace Peace Peace

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