
Those pictures of the galaxy
           that point to a tiny dot
      and say, You are here!
                They are wrong.
The Milky Way is
          inside your physiology,
               you are the space
          that holds every
      dot, bindhu and ayin soph.
Breath flows up
                and down your spine.
      Exhale through the sacrum
           into your planetary core.
Inhale to your crown and
      Gently, briefly rest
           awareness in the blue
      sky above, and in the night
                above that.
Now touch the moon and sun
           with a silken ray of
      pure attention, leading
           to the distant star you
                came from, and where
      you will return, bearing
           the fruit of lifetimes.
A glistening filament
           of ecstasy threads
      jewels of amazement
           through your vertebrae,
world upon world
                of possibility,
      miracles of healing
           that only happen
      because each pearl
                is hollow,
and it is the hollow
           inside the pearl
      that makes you whole.


Photo from 'Science News'


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