Babies See God
When I was a baby, I knew how to hide in the space between electrons.
People saw me bouncing and laughing, but they had no idea where I was hiding. Even today when I go there, I can't find any me. But it's not an escape, because that infinite space is everywhere.
Didn't we all dwell in boundless Satsang once, before the technicians of the finite whom we call adults drove us out of God's garden? Now we measure eternity in hours and micro-seconds. We divide our vastness into inches. We have become measurers, which we call being educated. The truly important questions, the vastly simple questions, have been educated out of us: "What are we measuring? Hours of what? Inches of what?"
We have no idea what the world is actually made of. All day, we stumble through our duties without knowing what anything really is.
Sir Arthur Eddington, one of the founders of quantum physics, wrote: "All through the physical world runs that unknown content which must surely be the stuff of our consciousness." Einstein developed his theory of relativity after a daydream: fantasizing what it would feel like to ride on a sunbeam.
But in our age of so-called reason, few of us listen to the child-like questions that geniuses like Eddington and Einstein ask. We just go back to our measurements, counting and spending.
My dear friend Ann recently said,
We all have memories of being that child, intuitions of a life more graceful.
Babies get it. The world is a lightning bolt of love, flashing out of the void. The stuff of the universe is the bliss of no-thing. Zero hugs all numbers. Silence embraces all words. Stillness bears every achievement.
When you see a baby laughing at what seems to be nothing, eyes twinkling with delight for no apparent reason, please remember that baby is gazing between the electrons, into eternity, at God. That baby is never one moment old. And neither are you.
~Photo on top: me.
Thank you Fred, I just shared this on Facebook. ~ this is what I wrote introducing it. It was quite a gift of Grace. ~
~This is written by Facebook Brother Fred Lamotte for his blog Uradiance. I had an experience recently in the community coop here in Ashland, Oregon where a 2 and a half year old walked in and my vision opened and I saw this boy having an enlightened view, realizing he was God and viewing all from this exalted state. Our eyes briefly met and he noticed me noticing his state of awareness and he nod...ded at me as I returned a gentle nod acknowledging him. it was definately an exalted moment for me where Divine Grace aligned our souls to this glorius meeting. I was eternally grateful for such Grace and will never forget it, it changed me forever. I know, what Fred wrote about and maybe some of you do as well. enjoy reading this. Namaste ~ ♥
Thank you, beloved friend!
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