
May Divine Love Pitch Her Tent Over All

I sought wisdom from a Native American medicine teacher. I practiced Tibetan Buddhist loving-kindness meditation. I incorporated the methods of Yoga into my daily life. I embraced the elements of Tai Chi. I sang with Sufis.

But I was called an imperial pirate, appropriating indigenous tribal cultures. So I returned to my white Anglo-Saxon root and tuned my life to Christianity.

Then they called Christianity a patriarchal empire that exploited the tribes.

So I decided to became who I am: a citizen of the whole Earth.

My tribe is Humanity. All religions are my birthright, all wisdom paths my heritage. I learn from indigenous people everywhere, and honor them.

And I discovered that seekers have been doing this for thousands of years. There is no religion on Earth not deeply informed by other religions, nor any living tribe that has not be nourished by contact with other tribes. The myth of "tribal purity" breeds its own exclusivity, conservatism, and oppression.

Of no religion do I declare, "This is the way." Of Christianity I never say, "This is the one truth." Rather, I tell my teachers, Eastern and Western, Earth-centered or Sky-breathing, "Gracias. Namaste. Thank you for nourishing me. May Divine Love pitch her tent over all."


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