
The Great Cliches

There are times in life when I must return to the great simplicities, which some would call cliches. That's all right with me. A cliche is a truth that never needs to change because it always works.

What are the great cliches, the great simplicities? God is. God dwells in the intimate center of my soul as an incomprehensible Other. I do my best when I surrender my work to God. And if I wish to know God's gift of Grace, all I have to do is breathe.

Breathe out: pour the mind's confusion into the heart's silence. Pray when empty, "Lord I am nothing, you are all, I rest in your Presence." Now, breathe in radiance and joy to share with everyone who touches my life.
Prayer clears the mist and brings back peace to the soul. ~ Rumi


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