
Vivekya: Discrimination

 Om Asaato Ma Sat Gamayo. Lead Us from the Unreal to the Real.

To discriminate between illusion and reality is actually to choose the subtler of two illusions, peeling back layers of fantasy again and again, until we discover that there is only One who is real: the One who is seeing.

One gazes at Oneself. How absolutely Selfish! Yet this effulgent Selfhood reflects in all. Every creature you see is you, the Seer, enjoying another playful effervescence of your uncreated Self.

As Seer, you are Lord Shiva. Your radiant energy, effervescing in the form of the Seen, is Mother Shakti. They embrace as subject and object in the love-making of every perception. Is not this world your bridal chamber? Are not these senses given to you for making love to creation?


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