
I Said to My Soul

I said to my soul, "I want adventure. I want to travel to the great cities, the wild places, the mountain tops. I want to experience the world!"

My soul replied, "You're not missing anything. It's all here."

I said to my soul, "I want to earn vast riches, beautiful mansions, elegant and abundant living!"

My soul replied, "I am that priceless jewel."

I said to my soul, "I yearn for the romance of passionate relationships! I want to fall in love again and again!"

My soul replied, "Our relationship is that which you are seeking."

I said to my soul, "I want to be recognized!"

My soul replied, "Recognize your self."

I said to my soul, "I want to create beauty, art, poetry, music!"

My soul replied, "The beauty you yearn to create, you are."

Then I said to my soul, "If what I seek is already found, then why am I here?"

My soul replied, "To love."


Blogger SynerJetics said...

Me gusta mucho!

3/23/2011 7:36 AM  

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