
A Christ Too Near To Be Worshipped

He said, "Follow me." He never said, "Worship me." Christ cannot be the object of worship, only the subject.

An un-created radiance deeper in me than I, Christ is pure subjectivity itself. For awhile, I may love the human form of one who embodies the Christ, such as Jesus or Krishna or Guru. But I cannot love Christ, for Christ is that in me who loves.

Christ is too near, too intimate to be worshiped. Let the form of Christ be crucified, then resurrected as consciousness.

When seeking becomes centering, and centering becomes radiance, then the Christ within us will illuminate the earth. This is why Jesus called us not to worship in a temple or on a holy hill, but rather, "the true worshiper shall worship in Spirit and in Truth" (John 4:23).

Reverse the direction of worship. Let worship flow from inside out. Your worship is not a limited self seeking God above, but a limitless Self shining forth, pouring your healing breath upon the earth from a heart broken open by invincible beams of love.

(Art by William Blake)


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