The Courage To Be Neutral
"It is not enough to be neutral. I must passionately choose sides in the conflict."
"It is not enough to take sides. A deeply centered part of me must remain neutral."
Both of these statements are true. In the heat of conflict, each side stereotypes the other, projecting its shadow of fear on the adversary until what is beheld is not the other, but the darkest aspect of oneself. Thus the Capitalist and Socialist, Israeli and Palestinian, Believer and Non-Believer, energize the darkest aspects of each other. In such conflicts, the only sanity is neutrality.
In progressive circles, it has become fashionable to condemn neutrality as implicit cooperation with the oppressor. But neutrality can be the deepest form of courage, and the way to peace.
Without neutrality, where is the meeting place, the space for listening, for mediation, for conflict-resolution? Standing at the heart of conflict, with the courage of neutrality, our very Being defuses polarity and dissolves fear. Our neutrality may be the only place left where both sides can recognize their common humanity.
In such conflicts, neutrality is the majestic expanse of awareness itself, embracing both sides with compassion. Neutrality is the wisdom of emptiness, free from judgments and stereotypes about the other. Neutrality is the stillness, the silence, where both sides come to cleanse their mirrors. In the simple clarity of neutral space, enemies discover that they are the reverse images of each other. Then they can cease projecting their shadows.
"It is not enough to take sides. A deeply centered part of me must remain neutral."
Both of these statements are true. In the heat of conflict, each side stereotypes the other, projecting its shadow of fear on the adversary until what is beheld is not the other, but the darkest aspect of oneself. Thus the Capitalist and Socialist, Israeli and Palestinian, Believer and Non-Believer, energize the darkest aspects of each other. In such conflicts, the only sanity is neutrality.
In progressive circles, it has become fashionable to condemn neutrality as implicit cooperation with the oppressor. But neutrality can be the deepest form of courage, and the way to peace.
Without neutrality, where is the meeting place, the space for listening, for mediation, for conflict-resolution? Standing at the heart of conflict, with the courage of neutrality, our very Being defuses polarity and dissolves fear. Our neutrality may be the only place left where both sides can recognize their common humanity.
In such conflicts, neutrality is the majestic expanse of awareness itself, embracing both sides with compassion. Neutrality is the wisdom of emptiness, free from judgments and stereotypes about the other. Neutrality is the stillness, the silence, where both sides come to cleanse their mirrors. In the simple clarity of neutral space, enemies discover that they are the reverse images of each other. Then they can cease projecting their shadows.
In any conflict, if your heart feels drawn to neutrality, don't be intimidated into taking sides. After all, you may be the last sane person in the room.
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