
John 14:6

I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." ~John 14:6

I Am is the ancient name of God revealed to Moses in Exodus, chapter 3, when God called from the burning bush. Moses asked God for the most personal and intimate name of the divine. God said, "I Am I Am. That is my eternal name."

When Jesus spoke of the I Am, he was not glorifying his own unique personality. He was glorifying the I Am, the divine spark, in each of us.

Your I Am is the way. Your I Am is the truth. Your I Am is the life. Enter the kingdom of God through the portal I Am at the center of your heart.

Jesus said. "I Am the light" (John 8:12). But he also said, "You are the light" (Matthew 5:14). You and Jesus each have your own I, but the I in Jesus and the I in you are luminous out-flowings of one Am.

Am is Christ Consciousness, anointing you and Jesus together. That is what the Greek word, chrism, means: anointing. But Christ does not anoint you from above. Christ wells up and gushes from your heart. Jesus said, "The water I give will become a fountain within you, bubbling up with eternal life" (John 4:14).

Christ is the wellspring of inward light from which flow both Jesus and you. The stream of Jesus became a mighty river. Will you remain a little brook?

"These things which I do, you shall do also," he said (John 14:12).

In his final discourse, Jesus prayed for all who love him, "that they may be one, Father, as we are one, I in them and you in me: may they be brought to complete unity" (John 17:22).

In first century Palestine, the Christ I AM poured through Jesus. Now, the Christ I Am pours through you: irradiating your uniqueness, expressing your incomparable beauty, personalizing divine splendor as your very own I

Your I is not something to be rejected, but glorified as a vessel of Christ Consciousness. That is why scripture speaks not only of Christ in Jesus, but  "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27).

If any transition is happening on this earth, it is simply the awakening of the knowledge of who you really are.


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