
What Do You Say?

99% of what gurus say, you could say. You just don't have the white robes and long hair going for you. 
99% of what college professors say, you could say. You just don't have the capital letters after your name. 
99% of what politicians say, you could say. But you're too intelligent to talk like that. 
What I'm saying is, you are the supreme authority in your life, and no one else. What do you say?
My most exciting discovery on this journey is that spirituality has nothing to do with authority. Spirituality is an adult issue; authority is an infantile issue. 
Many follow a guru, a pope, a holy book, a charismatic preacher, not because they want to be free, but for precisely the opposite reason. They want a surrogate daddy. They want to give their innate authority away to someone else. The infantile comfort we get from giving up our self-authority accounts for much religious behavior.
I love my Guru: I do not give him authority over my life. My surrender to his Presence gives me infinite freedom to be myself, wherever I am. Real devotion, bhakti, flowers in a realm beyond should and should not, beyond authority.
I do not ask the Guru what I should do or believe. I do not ask anything. I let my heart dance in the breath of his divine silence.


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