
You Are Bliss Beyond Sorrow and Joy

The feeling of sadness arises and subsides in the space that is aware of it. If the feeling of sadness were not surrounded by a space, you would not be able to say, "I felt sad, then it subsided, now I feel sad again." Who was watching the sadness arise and depart?

Is this space ever sad?

The feeling of joy arises and subsides in the space that is aware of it. If the feeling of joy were not surrounded by a space, you would not be able to say, "I felt joyful, then it subsided, now I feel joyful again." Who was watching the joy arise and depart?

Is this space ever joyful?

There is a space in which sadness and joy come and go, yet which is neither joyful no sad. It is  eternally watching. It is everlasting life.

Your birth happens here, your death happens here, and here you are, before and after.

This space is ceaselessly expanding because it is unlimited by the phenomena that come and go within it. Therefor it is inconceivably blissful, with a bliss beyond sorrow and joy. This eternal space is who you are, right now.


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