
Just Wondering

I wonder why...
the Prophet must come down from a mountain peak
holding stone tablets of Law.
I wonder why...
the Prophet can't meander out of the valley like a stream
holding ripening berries in her hand.
I wonder why...
we build our nation on pillars, steeples, sky-scrapers.
I wonder why...
it can't be built on gentle ever-returning curves
of purple wine-stained hills at dawn.
I wonder why...
nations don't gather in a circle, as equals,
sharing the roll of their hips in a harvest dance
like a single rainbow serpent.
I wonder why...
we need hierarchies, pecking orders, politicians
who prattle on about "American exceptionalism,"
about regaining our miserable "dominance" over the world.
I wonder why...
anyone has to dominate
when berries taste so sweet just as they are,
and even better when you share them in one cup
like lovers
on their wedding night.

Danny Seidman photo, Valley of the Palouse River, SE Washington State


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