

Have you ever met a pansexual? Perhaps you have pansexual tendencies and don't even know it.

In this age of liberation, we speak of straight, gay, bi-sexual and trans-gendered people. Now it is time to liberate the pansexual.

Pansexuals are not attracted to one partner only, nor is their sexual energy confined to one organ of the body. Pansexuals feel an erotic attraction to the whole cosmos, a sexual relationship with every flower and star. Each cell of the pansexual's flesh overflows with iridescent nectar, each atom vibrates between yearning and bliss, each photon of their body is a sperm of God. For pansexuals, the universe is a single organ of joy aroused, fibrillating through all creatures in perpetual love-making.

For the pansexual, this love-making is not primarily between creatures, but between creature and Creator. Human history has deeply misunderstood pansexuals, often assuming them to be mere celibates and monks because they are not wedded to a partner. But the pansexual feels married to everybody, caught up in the unending sexual union of earth and sky.

History's great pansexuals include Krishna, Kokopelli, Orpheus, whose lovesong dissolved the gates of the underworld, Jesus, wild poet of the Galilean meadows, Rumi, St. Francis of Assisi, Walt Whitman, William Blake, who said "energy is eternal delight," and the Guru who awakens the serpent Kundalini in your own voluptuous spine.

Among women, pansexuals include Radha, Mira, Mary, Billi Holiday, and untold thousands of Magdalenes martyred for the cause of ecstasy, whose immaculately sinful and perfectly fallen bodies transmute matter into Spirit through the all-pervading mystery of erotic grace. Selah.

Painting by Joel Nakamura


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