Wholeness never seeks to harm itself, and therefor needs no moral restraints, no commandments. Thou shalt not requires two, where "I" feel threatened or rivaled by "you." But in wholeness there is only One: the need for morality never arises.
Jesus declares all moral commandments fulfilled by a single law, "Love thy neighbor as thy Self," because my neighbor is my Self. There are not two beings governed by right and wrong: there is only Being, wholly in love.
When we are fragmented, center-less and un-whole, we waste our time imposing moral constraints on ourselves and each other. Instead, let us learn to rest in wholeness. The unrestrained ecstatic wholeness of love is our natural prior condition, always already happening for good, never for evil.
"Somewhere, out beyond ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing, there's a field: will you meet me there?" ~Rumi
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