Age of Awareness
When information overshadows awareness, it is ignorance - even if the information is correct. When awareness outshines information, it is enlightenment - even if awareness is empty.
We have lived through the Age of Belief, the Age of Reason, and the Age of Information. Now the Information Age is over. The Age of Awareness has begun.
When information overload drives us crazy, the essential practice for mental health is not to know, but to un-know: to recover the formless prior to in-formation, to restore the self-luminous awareness.
The grace of un-knowing needs only a few moments of practice to clear our inner desktop, empty the trash, and refresh our software. Then awareness is freed from the imprint of the past, free to know again.
Of course we need to know: but how much? There are many over-educated folks who amass information for information's sake, and end up as fools. The delicate art of discrimination is knowing what needs be known and gracefully letting go of the rest. Then the clarity of our Awareness, which is the freshness of the present moment, won't be overshadowed, over in-formed, by the forms of the past.
What is spirituality? Spirituality is simply what happens when awareness outshines information, and your Presence outshines your past.
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