
πάντα: The All

Whatever happens, surrender the quest. Let I relax into Am. Spirituality is the radiance of wholeness. 

When I have the courage to give up the search for a God separate from Creation, a Spirit separate from the Body, a Heaven separate from the Earth, a Higher separate from the Lower, and a Christ separate from my own Heart, that courage is "spirituality."

Seekers look for the better part, the supreme "Good." But seeking one facet prevents me from being the whole diamond. My very quest for the holy is a flight from wholeness. My search distances me from my healing.

These words, "heal," "holy" and "whole," share one root. Holy healing does not flow down from above, it radiates from wholeness. 

In early Christianity, there was a word for holy healing wholeness: the All.  In Greek, the word is πάντα, "Panta.

Ephesians 1:23 describes Christ-Consciousness as "the wholeness who fills All in All (τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ τὰ πάντα ἐν πᾶσιν πληρουμένου). Colossians 3:1 simply says, "Christ is All and in All." (πάντα καὶ ἐν πᾶσιν Χριστός) Jesus calls you and me to be the All, as he is. How do we become the All?

I become the All by being who I Am, in this very moment, preferring no part above the whole. I become the All when I allow the energy-field of awareness to rest in my heart, and radiate without circumference, embracing whatever arises.

My holy mistakes are the sparkling facets of the flawless diamond I Am. This ever flowing ever healing wound is my wave in the ocean of perfection. 


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