
Here Am I

The distance from my soul to the Master is the distance of my doubt. It may be ten thousand light years, or a thin veil of mist, a mirage of separation. A single exhalation dispels it, and i am I. 

That distance is only the length of my breath, a journey from the space between my eyebrows to the hollow bowl of my chest.

The golden thread that leads my heart back to Him does not stretch above me into the heavens, or out over the sea to an ashram in India, but inward, through the depths of my own consciousness, to the golden Sun at the center of my heart. 

Here is the truth. There is nothing I receive from the hug of Divine Mother, the darshan of the Master, the touch of my forehead on the Guru's sandals, six months in the ashram, or even the most secret whisper of the Divine in my ear, that I cannot receive where I already am, right here in my own meditation room, breathing down to the deepest center of the soul.

This is not to say there is no need for the Master, for it was the Master who ignited this light at initiation. Yet when the Shakti ignites, there comes a time when invisible wings unfurl, and the nest is too small. 

Then the sign of devotion is not how near the Guru's feet I kneel, but how freely I wander the world in that ever-expanding Presence. For I practice the Master's sadhana, full of grace; and because of this, wherever I find my Self, the Master is inside me, solid as gold.

Jai Guru Dev


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