
May Day

Let May Day bring peace. The blue sky of non-violence. At least for a brief moment today, discriminate between Awareness and Mind. For that moment, you will know eternity. This is the way to Peace. 

Gazing at the sky through a lattice of blossoming branches, I realize that the root of human violence is the failure to discriminate between consciousness and thought.  

Branches against clear blue. The network of budding twigs is like the network of thoughts and the network of neurons in the brain. For brain and thought are the same: overgrown pathways of reaction, fear and desire.  

But the blue sky is awareness itself. Awareness can witness thoughts, but doesn't need to get entangled in them, any more than the sky gets entangled in a tree. 

Mind carries the past into the present, with all the conflicts of desire, resentment, reaction, revenge. Mind projects its story of conflict into the world, meeting other stories.  

If we want to make peace on earth, we need to meet beyond the mind, beyond the past, in the present moment, leaving our stories behind. We have to meet as awareness.

Awareness is Presence, free from conflict, without a story. Be awareness. Be the sky.


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