
'What Is Truth?' (Jn 18:38)

Truth is not the conclusion of a logically argued chain of thoughts, because no chain of thoughts ever ends. Nor can Truth be contained in a single thought, because a single thought evaporates as soon as it is born. Truth is not the content of the mind, because the content of the mind dissolves like mist: not even the most intelligent person remembers their own beliefs when falling asleep.

Could it be that Truth has nothing to do with thought at all? Perhaps we would come nearer to Truth if we looked into the emptiness between thoughts, the space around thoughts, the clarity before thoughts.

That clarity is not an idea. It is pure awareness. It is the gentle self-effulgent light of compassion, the bliss of unbounded silence, the sparkling of infinite possibility. It is not merely the womb of creation, but the womb of Creator. It erases it's own "it."

Now look at our culture. What is America based on today? Argument. Ceaseless argument paralyzes our government, and polarizes our entire society. Each side claims to have the truth, locked in polarity, spewing negativity. When the mind is dominated by thought, taking sides is more important than finding solutions. But what happens when the space of silence outshines its content of thought?

Truth is what we already are, before we have a single idea about it. So the real question is, what are we arguing about?

The first step to solving our nation's problems is to stop debating and start meditating. Meditate together in the silence of Truth.


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