
The World Dances In Us

To purify the world, see the world as pure. Then act in a pure world from the level of pure vision. 

To purify vision, meditate, immerse the heart in pure Silence.

Seeing the world as pure is to see the dancing Goddess, Shakti. Seeing the world as the dancing Goddess is to see nothing ungodly. See earth made of starlight, in every atom, each proton ripe and dense with bliss, Ananda.

The dancing goddess is the whole creation. She is the earth. She is nature, Prakriti. Where does she dance? In what space?

Her dance is an exquisite mirage in the immaculate void of our awareness. Adore her as your own Self. 

Even her wildest dance is the vibration of stillness, of clear empty mind. Just as the form of each ocean wave is made of water, so her dance trembles in the stillness and the silence of our adoration and wonder.

The world rests in the dance of the Goddess, and the dance of the Goddess rests in you. May you rest in Shiva, unbounded awareness.

This is the Sabbath: to rest in God. To set the world like a jewel in your heart, and your heart like a jewel in divine Silence. Your Sabbath rest restores the whole creation. Selah.


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