
"At this time, flares of Shiva from the stars leap down to kiss surges of Shakti from the earth. These polarities meet as lightning in the human nervous system, swirling up and down the subtle dimensions of the spine. The effusive delights of their union may feel like a dizzy opening of the crown, a radiant pressure in the brow, trembling romance in the heart, restless excitement in the solar plexus, or the stirring of Eros through the hips.

"In meditation, there may be luminous golden supernovae, with the influx of celestial music. In the body, heightened sexual attraction. In large crowds, exhilaration, confusion, and possible violence.

"Now it is essential to have a stable regular meditation practice, grounding and channeling these energies so that they remain creative, and do not become destructive or dissipated. Avoid practices of mere concentration, which at this time will only cause head-ache, repression, and frustration. Learn practices that focus the energies without denying them, channeling fire upward from the Earth, breathing starlight downward from the crown, so that Shiva and Shakti, Christ and Mary Magdalene, may meet in the Bridal Chamber of Hridaya, the Heart, consummating their marriage as divine human Radiance, and giving birth to inspired acts of art or service."  ~U.


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