
Radicalize with Positive Energy

Be positive down to the core of your heart, positive right through the marrow of your silence. Then when it all falls apart, you won't even notice, because you'll live in what is already arising to take its place. This is a real choice.
  Our choice to be positive is most effective when we operate at the cellular level, through the breath, and at the atomic level, through meditation, rather than on the macro level of mere "positive thinking" and "affirmation." So before we begin any other work, however noble, we can meditate, energizing every cell and atom with radiant life-giving vibration, Meditation is radical action. 
 "Radical" comes from the latin, "radix," meaning "root." Meditation is the most radical act because it nourishes the root of all other action, deep in the ground of Silence, where sub-atomic particles are formed out of the void.


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