

     William Blake, 'Urizen in Chains'

I've been following a chain of thoughts under the assumption that it would lead to a conclusion called "the truth." Then I might finally "know" something.

The chain of my thoughts has stretched over half a century, and so far hasn't led me to any conclusion. But I have found Truth during those moments when I unlocked the chain of thought and stepped out of it completely, free-falling into the boundless silence of now.

During these moments in eternity, I can see quite clearly that chains of thinking shackle the politics, religion, psychology and education of our so-called "civilization." The spacious freedom of Being is not valued.

Any civilization chained in thought dooms itself to the endless repetition of the past, for thinking is a circle of ghostly links that can only repeat mental images of what is already known, what is already over. As long as we are trapped in this ghostly realm of thought, we are constantly one step, one link away, from the living Radiance of the green earth.

Let us step out of our chains and meet one another in wordless wonder!

Then we can use thought, when needed, without being enchained by it.


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