Ancient Light
I am utterly convinced that Abraham (A-brahm, "from-Brahman"), Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, Buddha, Shankara, Mahavira and Guru Nanak, all revealed the same divine Source, each through their own culture and epoch. That Source is the light that shines eternally in the human heart.
All religious scriptures, stories, rites and symbols are metaphors, pointers to that Source. As the stuff of ecstatic poetry, these symbols profoundly enrich us. But when priestly authorities turn them into doctrine, mistaking pointers for the ineffable radiance toward which they point, their authority becomes a great evil, their doctrine a vicious obstacle to our happiness.
Gently, resolutely, abandon the tribal cult of the past, embrace the ancient Light now, and reveal pure beauty on the alter of this heartbeat. Then you will know what Jesus meant by the words, "Amen, Amen, I say unto you: before Abraham was, I Am." (John 8:58)
You too may say those words. Reveal your Self. Anoint your Self. Delight your Self. Isn't it time to quit looking for that place, and start looking from that place?
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