Picture the Electron
At this instant
there is no distance
between your body
and the radiant tongue
of the Goddess.
Taste everything at once.
You are made of light.
The smallest particle of You
is boundless.
Bee a hive.
When weary, return
to golden sweetness.
Reduce your journey
to Home itself.
You only make real honey
when you Are honey.
there is no distance
between your body
and the radiant tongue
of the Goddess.
Taste everything at once.
You are made of light.
The smallest particle of You
is boundless.
Bee a hive.
When weary, return
to golden sweetness.
Reduce your journey
to Home itself.
You only make real honey
when you Are honey.
"We can envision a particle such as an electron as surrounded by a cloud of virtual photons which buzz around it like bees round a hive. Each photon emitted by the electron is rapidly reabsorbed. Photons nearer the electron are allowed to be progressively more energetic because they do not venture far from home, and so need exist only for the briefest duration.
"Picture, then, the electron immersed in a shimmering bath of evanescent quantum energy, intense near the electron but dwindling steadily with distance. This restless seething ferment of virtual photons is, in fact, precisely the electron's electrical field, described in quantum language.... The energy of this photon activity surrounding an electron can be computed. The answer proves, unnervingly, to be infinite.
"There is no limit to how short a journey a virtual photon may take, and so no limit to how energetic it may be. The combination from all the nearby photons of unbounded energy to the overall field strength is infinite." ~Paul Davis, Professor of Mathematical Physics at the U. of Adelaide, Australia, 'The Matter Myth'
Vedic Bee Goddess, Bhrarami Devi
"The god Indra was the namesake of ancient India and the deity who separated heaven and earth, and is said to have received honey as his first food. Similarly, the Indian Bee goddess Bhramari Devi derives her name from the word Bramari, meaning ‘Bees’ in Hindi. It is said that Bhramari Devi resides inside the heart chakra and emits the buzzing sound of Bees, called ‘Bhramaran’. Likewise, the sound of a Bee humming was emulated in Vedic chants and the humming of Bees represented the essential sound of the universe." Link
Great post . thanks for sharing this informative blog. Photons nearer the electron are allowed to be progressively more energetic because they do not venture far from home, and so need exist only for the briefest duration.
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