

What makes God happy? The fun of watching the play...

God is in fact the bliss of our omnipresent consciousness, silently witnessing all that arises and dissolves in its own intimate space, like a waking dream.

It is marvelous, it is endless astonishment, to watch humans succeed and fail, "triumph over adversity," gain wealth, lose it all, then struggle to "attain enlightenment," busily acting out their tragicomedy when, in truth, nothing actually happens, nothing is gained or lost, all is but an appearance of becoming, a phantasy of motion, in the mirage of boundless stillness.

Truly sublime this is to behold! What makes it especially exquisite is that each of us appears to take our own form, to play our own part in this brilliant melodrama, when the reality is, we are all God witnessing the play of our own consciousness, the lila, the cosmic cartoon.


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