
This Blade of Grass

This blade of grass is a miracle, because it Is. It's thingness is a blade of grass, but its Being is divine. All creatures are bathed in the nectar of Divine Existence, which is bliss. However fallen, broken or small, the creature floats in an invisible sea of perfection, the Being of the Creator.

Normally, we see the forms and objects of the world as foreground, their mere Existence as background. But now we are shifting to a new stage of human consciousness: to see creatures as background, and uncreated Existence as foreground.

The earth, the stars, and every blade of grass are bathed in divine beauty. Merely To Be is the miracle. Why not dwell in perpetual astonishment? Why not bow down to every drop of dew and every cricket, not because it is a thing, but because it Is, and Isness is God? If you don't understand this, I'm sorry. I can't explain it. Just walk barefoot in the wet grass at dawn, and watch a plum bud blossom.


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