Dearest Humanity
"Dearest humanity, thousands of years ago, as you made your evolutionary descent into flesh, for Self-awareness through individuation, We told you clearly that the secret of your path would be to rest the mind in the heart.
"We gave you the gift of the intellect to support the intuition of your heart, not to operate independently from it.
"We told you that this would be your constant choice: the path would be painful, confusing, and violent if you dismembered your mind from your heart-center. But the path would be joyous and graceful if you consulted תפארת Tiferet, the Beauty in your heart, with every breath.
"We told you that you could make your way a nightmare or a wondrous awakening. Guided by the heart, each step may be lit by a candle of Presence, glowing not from heaven above, but from within the center of your sacred body, spilling light upon the earth, creating gardens in every footprint through the wilderness.
"O Humanity, you have dislocated your brain from your chest! You have thrown away our message and made your life so needlessly difficult! Through the mind's confusion, you have turned the sacred Earth, this permaculture of organic resonance, into a chaos of urban injustice that we, the Givers, no longer recognize as our creation.
"And instead of bequeathing your children the Great Simplicity, you insist on teaching them complexities invented by your uprooted intellect, super-imposed on the grace of the world, compounding problem upon problem. You call this education! But you fail to teach your children the one thing needed: how to repose in the temple of the heart, infallibly guided by the breath of Love.
"We אֱלֹהִים the Elohim, sent you on your journey so that you could return as We Are, each a uniquely Self-aware holographic image of All. We gave your three talismans for this journey of descent and return, more powerful than any mythic sword or shield, wish-granting jewel or magician's wand. We gave you the Heart, the Breath, and the Present Moment.
"But you sold them in exchange for trinkets of wealth, power, and intellectual theory. And if you cannot use these gentle intimate talismans to awaken, then you must awaken through catastrophe. For this is the law of evolution. Nevertheless, dear Friend, don't worry. There is still time, because it is still Now.
"Return to the Heart. תְּשׁוּבָה T'Shuvah!"
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