
The Red Wing's Secret

"My work is loving the world,
here the sunflowers, there the hummingbird...
Let me keep my mind on what matters...
standing still and learning to be
astonished..... " ~Mary Oliver

Stand by the edge of any American wet-land. You'll see on some naked branch a black hole in the sky. From that dense tiny darkness, a carillon on scarlet wings, scalding-bright as liquid brass, calls you back to the original moment. The world was made of such molten dark and jubilation from the bell of emptiness. Across the marsh, other glorious ringing towers condense in dots of singular wildness. What is your role, man, in such a perfect world? Learn the secret of the red-wing blackbird: from emptiness, music...

Only the human intellect, ever-restless and unsatisfied, could conceive that we were born for any higher purpose than this: to listen, to awaken and be grateful, to become a silence for the song.


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