"Love is the affinity which links and draws together the elements of the world, the agent of universal synthesis." ~Teilhard de Chardin
"Love, and do what you like." ~Saint Augustine
We humans have such a problem with Love because we insist on making it a commandment. But Love is not a law. Free from all authority, Love is never imposed from by the mind, from above. Free of moral compunction, Love doesn't need to save the world: the world is already drenched in love, saved by every sunrise, blessed by every sunset. We simply need to wake up and taste the energy that Is, because Love already permeates every particle of being.
Love is the strong force binding our nuclei, the electricity weaving our molecules. Love percolates out of our atoms, simmering in our bone marrow, steaming through the forest of this sacred body. Love is our juice, the very flavor of our flesh. We best learn love from animals, not angels. Animals don't turn love into metaphysics. Animals open their hearts, and get their bellies rubbed.
Love is not your practice but your scent. No need to 'do' love or 'make' love, just allow love to flower. You are the embodiment of pure love, and through the unified field of love, your body co-extends throughout creation. Just by being here, you engage in erotic union with the stars. You share exquisite intimacy with each tingling fiber of the earth. You are the ecstasy of every photon. You are the spiral dance of Shakti and Shiva, the perfect entanglement of energy and consciousness. At this very moment, you are completely in Love. Allow the grace of Love to bubble up through your fur.
Rest in the stream of love. "Resting" may sound passive, but it is deeply creative. For when we rest in the stream of love that wells up from within, we repose in dynamic energy. The energy flows from the void at the center of each proton, animating the cells of our body, sending vibrant rays of love into the stars. Be the fountain of love that joins the earth and sky. Your loving rest cannot but overflow into spontaneous acts of beauty.
This moment, rest each cell of your body, each atom of your flesh, in the stream of love. All that is needed is a gentle breath of attention, like a feather touching a bubble in a moonbeam. Then step out into the world and do whatever you like.
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