

Took these photos on a hike to one of my favorite secret shrines in nature, 
where the spirit of the mountain blessed me in the form of a white moth, 
and the goddess of beauty came in the form of a gold moth. 
Om Ma Tahomaya Namah!


Each wing a mountain
shimmering in emptiness,
white moth, blue aster.

Walked out in the alpine flowers to photograph this moth close up, 
but it fluttered away. So I returned to the path and stood still. 
The golden moth - was it the same one? - danced over to me, 
right up to the camera, and settled on the nearest flower next to 
my hand. Then she turned her back and posed her wings for me. 
Nature feels and responds to our appreciation of beauty. 


This vain golden moth
posed on the nearest flower
just to steal my heart...


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