
New Moon

New Moon Meditation... Dark phase purity... Opalescence of perfect night... Only blackness gives birth to stars.

Confession: I gave up going to meditation and yoga courses at the ashram. Not because I gave up meditation and yoga - not at all. But because I grew weary with the Cult of the All-Obliterating Smile - the one you wear to let people know how "spiritual" you've become - and the tyranny of compulsive celebration.


There are times when I don't need to smile or celebrate. Times when a tear contains tomorrow's sun. There's a time for the rigor and nakedness of the budless twig. Otherwise, there could be no blossom. There's a time when I honor the Being of emptiness, deeper than joy.

At this very moment, golden alder leaves are falling...

If we're not at home with weariness and sorrow, not comfortable around uncertainty or grief, then we haven't arrived on Earth. Light's cotyledon in darkness, seed of crepuscule in Autumn sun. Don't fear phases. They are the faces of what doesn't change.

Because I can weep, I can smile.


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