
U.S. Foreign Policy 101

U.S. Foreign Policy 101:

* Create and arm your own enemies.

* To ensure perpetual war and maximize profits, sell weapons to both sides of every conflict.

* If you sell enough weapons to 'moderates,' they will end up in the hands of 'extremists,' giving you an excuse to sell the 'moderates' even more.

* Elect obedient lapdogs for the military-industrial cartel and its bankers.

* In presidential speeches, use the same buzz words every ten years to promote a war against 'evil.' Always tell the people how many of us they killed. Never mention how many of them we killed.

* Pretend that American war is Christian war. Never remind them what Jesus really taught: 'Whoever lives by the sword shall die by the sword... Love your enemy... Resist not the evil one.' Since weapons are this nation's most lucrative business, the teachings of Jesus are bad for Wall Street.


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