A Hymn to Rita Shakti the Server at Shari's Pie Kitchen
Each child each mother mine her story
his story mine their pilgrim breath is
they cross my borders I welcome them
scriptures are mine their wisdom mine
foolish festivals are mine all rites
passage lead to my heart
This planet is my body trees are my
rivers my veins deserts my loins oceans
my longing my nerves are ancient
Trade routes every synapse a
where strangers meet to share their
wine when I breathe out you breathe
In I dream your dreams they are mine
hear your prayers they are mine
clusters you leave unharvested
At the edge of your
vineyard feed
my homeless soul as the ragged edges
my meadow feed yours
My rustle of shimmering barley my wind
to help you fall asleep the rain my gift
of weeping in the
Teardrops falling on lonely creatures
of the fur who curl in the forest each
wounded by my claw
With only my
voice to heal them
for I too was wounded and healed
by my own singing
Which is why I chant this prayer
over breakfast at Shari's Restaurant
and Pie Kitchen where the waitress
Is named Rita who says just
if you need me I do I need you Rita
my night my stars I share with you
The radiance of the
morning also
for I am the Sun let me cover you
with golden warmth let me enter
Every photon of your
flesh let us respire
each other inhale each
other expand
each other for we include
Violent supernovae stain our emptiness
we are entangled in some vast and
stormy placenta we are born of the sky
Naked primeval unschooled at last
our village shaman a child we gather
in firelight to remember
the names of our tribe Earth Circle
Autumn Wound Lost Hollow Gourd
There is only fuel for tonight
Tomorrow there will only be fuel
for tomorrow we believe in nothing
we believe in
There is never enough and always
enough for we gaze into each other
and we see through a single eye
Yearning for light yet we are
not what we see we are what sees
we are the light of the world
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