
Hacker (To All My Friends On Social Media)


If you get a friend request 

from God,
don't accept it.
She is a hacker.
She will infect your cell phone,
your iPad, your camera
and everything it sees,
including your own reptilian brain
with a viral buzz,
a neuroplastic musk that

melts all boundaries and

fine philosophical distinctions,
even the molecular membranes
that guard your bureaucracy
of punctilious neurons
the amphibious tongues
of fire

that tease up from your
steaming amygdala, yes,

dissolving even the firewall
between "inner" and "outer,"
as the algorithms of
your heart

force you to surrender,
to collapse in the cyber-void
at the center of the iris
with no eye, erasing

all your files, all

the documentation

of your misdeeds,
until you simply gaze
into what gazes.

Photo: Kristy Thompson


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