

Olive skinned Semitic Jesus. Black Jesus from the source of the Nile. Red-haired bumpkin Jesus, nature poet of cedar'd hills and waterfalls. Jesus the king. Jesus the slave. Jesus the Rabbi who studies with Essenes in Egypt. Jesus the Yogi who visits Kashmir. Jesus the illiterate fisherman. Jesus the mystic fasting for a vision in the wilderness. Jesus the Marxist shouting at the rich. Jesus the High Priest offering blood sacrifice. Shaman Jesus mixing his spittle with mud as a healing balm for the eyes of the blind. Jesus the Lion of Judah. Jesus the Paschal Lamb. Jesus dove. Jesus serpent. Jesus hummingbird who visits the Chóco rain forest of Equador. Non-binary Jesus. Infant Jesus with a tiny penis. Jesus who proclaims, "I Am," awakening I Am in you. Jesus the Christ, whose color doesn't matter. Whose gender doesn't matter. Who pervades all forms with pure compassion. Who pervades the cosmos. Who pervades every neuron in your brain, every cell of your beaten heart with Consciousness, with Being, with Bliss.

Face of Jesus by Rembrandt


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like the Aquarian age Gospel of Jesus and the little I am book. Thank you so much. I sometimes forget what I studied so long ago

4/16/2023 12:42 PM  

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