Wonder Why
Wonder why
the Prophet always descends
from a mountain peak,
Wonder why
the Prophet can't meander
out of the valley like a stream,
holding ripened berries in her hand.
Wonder why the Prophet
doesn’t say, “Thou shalt”
instead of “Thou shalt not.”
Wonder why we carve
our names on pillars, steeples,
sky-scrapers, states,
and why we can’t forget them
in the hum of returning bees,
the undulating curve
of wine-stained hills at dawn,
at least a little while.
Wonder why
nations don't gather
in a circle called Earth,
blending the roll of their hips
in a harvest dance, melting
into one rainbow serpent.
Wonder why we need
pyramids and politicians.
Wonder why we get so mad
we must defeat each other,
even ourselves,
when the berries taste so sweet
just as they are,
and better when we share them
crushed, fermented in one cup,
as lovers share their
secret selves
after the wedding.
Stock photo, Mt. Sinai
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