
Swallowed Up

I was created for you
because One delights
in Two.
Friendship is more playful
than union,
Advaita swallowed up
in Lila.
The teacher said,
"There is no other."
I say, "Play."
The teacher said,
"You are not this body."
I say, "Love."
Nothing is more sacred
than a Kiss.
The Sun on the lips
of the Moon.
The footsteps of the Moon
on the Sea.
A wave caressing
the sand, and the sigh
of returning.
A baby's mouth
on the swollen teat.
A Father's gaze
upon the daughter
already asleep
in the lingering majesty
of a summer evening.
Hands opening,
then closing on each other.
That breath
dissolving into this breath
at the stillpoint
just beneath
your breastbone.


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