Swallowed Up
I was created for you
because One delights
in Two.
Friendship is more playful
than union,
Advaita swallowed up
in Lila.
The teacher said,
"There is no other."
I say, "Play."
The teacher said,
"You are not this body."
I say, "Love."
Nothing is more sacred
than a Kiss.
The Sun on the lips
of the Moon.
The footsteps of the Moon
on the Sea.
A wave caressing
the sand, and the sigh
of returning.
A baby's mouth
on the swollen teat.
A Father's gaze
upon the daughter
already asleep
in the lingering majesty
of a summer evening.
Hands opening,
then closing on each other.
Hands opening,
then closing on each other.
That breath
dissolving into this breath
dissolving into this breath
at the stillpoint
just beneath
your breastbone.
just beneath
your breastbone.
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