

"All through the physical world runs that unknown content which must surely be the stuff of our consciousness." ~Sir Arthur Eddington, Nature of the Physical World, 1928
Anything can become a healing modality by letting it go. We ascribe healing properties to some weed or pill, which no doubt influences our physiology. But what heals us is simply relaxing and, in utter confidence, letting it go. Then we can repose, if only for a moment, in the equilibrium of Yoga, the ground state of our energy where mind, body, and breath merge without effort into restful attention at the center of the cross, the ayin soph, the empty circle between all pairs of opposites. Here there are no words because there are no meanings for words to have. And because there are no words or meanings, there are no "problems," only abundance of energy in glorious unbounded flux, all happening through the joy of transparency, gazing into its own crystal effulgence. Out of this divine Zero, bliss bubbles up in waves of pure mathematical possibility, called "fluctuations of the vacuum" in the language of quantum physics. These ripples of ananda whirl into virtual electrons and photons, droplets in the ocean of consciousness, tumbling out of the exuberant void, spinning a universe of matter whose essential stuffing is no-thing but our Wonder.

Image: Michelle Burt


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