
A Blessing

You don't need to be a rose-soft new-age angel to meditate. You don't need to sip liquefied kale or visit an ashram to tap the infinite Source. You don't need to be higher, purer, more enlightened, or sit in lotus posture. Here's the heresy of this blessing: there's no one "else" for you to be. The fundamental dis-ease that cripples this culture is our toxic compulsion to be someone better than we are.

Find the courage to be incomparable. You are not a fraction trying to reach One. You are One. Call off the search. The beginning and end of spiritual practice is to rest the mind in its own broken heart. Align with your jagged edges. Tune into your rough, unpolished, sparkling joy. But leave some room for the wrinkles and tears that define you. Be utterly You-nique.

Without the piercing singularity of your love-note, the symphony of creation could not resound. You'll never know how many trillions of creatures gather to the hum of your tuning-fork, the crystal of your self-forgiveness. 

This earth doesn't need another Gandhi or Jesus - it needs You. Come, enjoy a new paradigm: enlightenment is more like falling than ascending, more like collapsing than getting it all together. Why cling to the raft of someone else’s teaching? Sink in your own wave, whose depth is perfect stillness. 

I wish you the inestimable grace of Being who you already Are. I did not learn this from the gods. I learned it from the dogs.

Photo: my dearest friends, Emerson and Finn


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