

Who draws the borderline?
Does the finger of God draw the borderline in rock and sand and river water?
Were borders here when Creator Raven whispered the curved world with her wings, this planet without right angles or straight edges anywhere?
Were borders here when tribes and herds worked out agreements for sharing water hole and prairie?
Were borders here before the white man came to drill the Mother for black blood?
Strange how Invader drives the tribes out of their home, then carves borderlines, pretending those lives were written in the earth at the first dawn.
Who drew the borders of Jordon, Kuwait, Iraq?
Invader did, not Arab.
Invader etched them in the desert sand in 1922, to serve the 'Anglo-Persian Oil Company' now known as British Petroleum.
Who drew the borders of Israel?
Invader did, not Canaanite or native Palestinian.
Who drew the borders of Ghana, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Rwanda, and that garment factory Lesotho?
Not Ashanti or Ibo, Bantu or Masai.
Hutu and Tsutsi were friends until Invader set them against each other for the trick of empire.
Invader penned those lines in black blood.
And in the USA, did Seminole, Ojibwa, Tlingit, Chiricahua, Paiute or Lakota make these borders?
No, Invader drew them all.
So now we whites behave as if our borderlines were carved by the same divine finger that etched stone commandments for our African tribal shaman, Moses...
But who knows if even that ever happened?

(Took this photo at the Mother's Day Vigil in support of immigrant families at the NW Detention Center in Tacoma WA)


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