
Come Up For Air

Come up for air.

You will never convince me that the attempted coup now crippling our government has anything to do with 'Obamacare' or the budget. It was organized by a gang of white southern politicians who represent the darkest side of the American psyche. This sabotage of the American spirit is the final drama in a racist sub-text that has murmured through American politics for six years. Does anyone really believe this would be happening if the president was a white man?

Humans are not motivated by politics or economics: those are superficial intellectual constructs, mere afterthoughts. The real motivation comes either from the awakened heart, or from primal unconscious energies of ancient fear, tangled deep in the body-soul.

We choose our love, or we choose our terror. And our terror almost always manifests as racism, sexism, or tribalism. We don't want to expose these energies to the clear air, so we mask them with religious, political or economic concepts.

How crucial it is for all of us, right here and now, to practice deeply: to enter the caverns of our body-soul with a healing Breath, to touch with light and caress with awakened clarity those dark karmic energies we all carry from the past.

Political and economic debate will not solve this problem. It is rooted in the shadows of our body-soul, and the roots intertwine in one collective organism of national consciousness. Thus we meditate not just for our own healing, but for others, including our 'enemies,' perhaps for them most of all.

When we toss our little mind like a pebble into the pool of love, we not only ripple outward to embrace other citizens on earth, we ripple inward to embrace our ancestors. We bathe the pain of past generations with every breath of forgiveness. And when those dark energies sigh, exhale, untangle, dissolve, no longer blocking the flow of our compassion, the heart opens.

Golden beams, sparkling water, blue sky.


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