

It is healing to know that everyone does not have to care about the same things....

 It is healing to know that you don't need to waste energy criticizing what you don't like, when you can generate energy celebrating what you love...

It is healing to know that when your dear one walks through dark shadows and moods, you can walk next to her, walk next to him, without needing to fix anything...

It is healing to know, people value us more for our wonder and openness than our expertise; more for our silences than our words; more for our listening than our advice...

It is healing to know that our heroes are utterly flawed, utterly human, and the great ones are just like us: they just let their passion for Truth take over...

It is very healing to know that the truth of your passion is Your Truth, not someone else's...

And sometimes, more often than you think, it is healing not to know anything.


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