Serve in your own way, according to your own gifts, directly from your heart. As taught in the Bhagavad Gita, "Better to perform one's own duty, though faulty, than to perform another's duty perfectly." (3:35)
To judge the service performed by this person as superior to another's, is as arrogant as judging this person's religion superior to another's. One of us serves by offering disaster relief in a Third World country. Another serves by teaching stress management to veterans with PTSD. One serves by providing shelter for the homeless, another by starting a local business and hiring her neighbors. One serves by raising children with wisdom and compassion, another serves by creating healing art, and another by teaching yoga or meditation, to raise the energy of world consciousness.
One serves 2 or 3 million people, another serves 2 or 3. All are absolutely equal. For love is not quantitative. One drop from the heart can change the entire universe.
Photo by Thinh Nguyen
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