
In the EarthHome Tribe

                                    Warli tribal art of India

Economy: from the Greek "ecos" (home) and "nomos" (law). Law of the Home. But in the EarthHome tribe, there is no Economy as we know it. The Law of the EarthHome tribe is sustainability. The Economy of our civilization is unsustainable.

In the EarthHome tribe, Money does not exist. There are no jobs and no unemployment. In the EarthHome tribe, everyone works and plays to sustain community. There are no banks, pension plans, or savings accounts. Community is the bank, the pension, and the trust. There is no wealth or poverty. Community is wealth, all shared, all received. In the EarthHome tribe, there is no waste because everything is used, no private capital, because everything is given. This is the way of the great Mother.

One day, a stranger comes. A man from the Corporation arrives in the garden of the EarthHome tribe. He brings Money and says, "I am from the Empire, a better place than this. I will give you a real job. I will pay you. You can put this Money in a stock market. Then you will have more of it than the unemployed, who are lazy. With Money, you wont be lazy anymore."

He gives the promises of the Corporation to the EarthHome tribe. He won't keep any of the promises. He will make them serfs on his global plantation. But he doesn't tell them that.

"You have underground treasures," he says, "but you are too ignorant to use them. You have copper, zinc and coal. You have petroleum, the black blood of the earth. I will make you miners, drillers and drivers. I will give you guns and make you soldiers. I will put you to Work and you will no longer be lazy. I will give you Money."

This is how Wealth and Poverty are born, the illegitimate children of Money and Empire. This is how we forget the Law of the Home, and become slaves of the Economy.


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