

A fountain of light gushes from the dark hollow inside the breath, the exhalation of the heart inside the heart.

Yet this wellspring needs another's touch to open and flow, just as what's hidden in a bud needs a moonbeam caress to become a rose.

When humans taste this secret bursting inside that causes the outside to become still and grateful, wars will end, bees will return, the oceans will be purer than tears.

Only then, only then. It all depends on a melting in your chest. This is why we celebrate the one whose eyes are kilns tonight - they provide the heat.

Look! The full moon floats by, a golden boat on the cloud ocean. Scattering the last fragrant petals of sunset over the Western alter, wizard hemlocks lift their arms in praise.

Perhaps it is they who blew the stars like pollen into the dark, out of their cupped trembling green hands.

Tonight, I exist for love. The earth is moist with that special midsummer musk called 'Desolation.' Tonight, I exist for love.

You'll understand this when you have no choice but surrender, and all names get burnt into silence
by a glance of wonder.


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